St Andrews

The odds of it being great fun were never that high - too much heading south west and the odds of that being into whatever wind is around on any given day were just too good. But it had been agreed and it would have been a bit wimpish to cry off just because it was a wee bit windy and rainy. So, handing the car keys to Clare, who'd done the Edinburgh to St Andrews run in the organised direction, we headed off.

Apart from the steady irritating wind it wasn't too bad. It felt like more climbing up than rolling along or down but warm and not unpleasant. By Strathmiglo we had to stop to put on jackets since the rain was now persistent. By this point, in the photo, 40 miles in and halfway up Cleish hill, my legs gave up. I should probably have eaten more than two flapjacks by this point and the big bottle should probably be empty rather than the wee one. Ah well, a wee rest, grab a photo and then press on.

After getting over the top in the pouring rain I was feeling heartily sick of it and knowing that it was pretty much all downhill from there, pedalled as fast as possible, just to get it over with. Still, a couple of restorative pints in The Ship, warming up, we were thinking what a laugh it was and wondering about the weather for next week's run home from Aviemore.

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