Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Cooking Italian

for a friend of mine who is in need of some TLC.

I have been busy this week but need to kick back a bit. A swim at 8 in a chilly sea and a walk along the prom where I couldn’t get myself warm. Temps in Dublin expected to fall this weekend.

If you have FB and believe in reincarnation, well this dog is so like my Vincemeister it’s just unbelievable

As a dog lover, I miss him so much. He was a true terrier- tenacious, narky, fun, stubborn. And I believe he was re-incarnated as a football player. This dog is so like him. It made me a bit sad.

Anyhoo thank Crunchie it’s Friday. I have worked hard this week and look forward to my friend coming for dinner and a good chat.

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