Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Flowery kind of day

My hiking group had an “extra” walk planned for today to Moore Botanical Garden. The garden is a private facility where you can pay for a visit but today was one of the days it was open to the public for free. So we planned to go.

It was raining all day.

But four of us were brave and not afraid of the rain. We saw so many flowers! Some of which we had never seen before.

For me it was worth the two hour drive and the walk in the rain. Life is not always sunshine and blue sky so we have to make the most of every day.

With this walk I completed a 50 mile hiking challenge in about 6 weeks. Next on the challenges is a Winter 100 miler. To be completed from Nov to February I think. I log these miles as I hike more in the winter. Motivation to get outside!

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