
By Wildwood

Dog Days

I couldn't resist trying to get all three of them in the frame because John's shirt is so appropriate.  I was sitting with John in the office when I took this picture of Blake trying to persuade Spike to play with him. Spike is still a little unclear on the concept, but Blake was marginally successful.

Dana and Jim walked up this morning with Blake and after helping us fix the bathroom door with the sagging hinge went off to the farmers' market tasked with buying us some lettuce and some sausage. Blake stayed with us because he likes it here, especially if Dana and Jim are both going to be gone.  I was sitting with  John in the office when I took this picture of Blake trying to persuade Spike to play with him. Spike is still a little unclear on the concept but Blake was marginally successful.

I was going to rest my knee so that Dana and I could do a little retail therapy together after they got back, but after climbing up on a step stool to wipe off the range hood, I was horrified by the layer of grease, dust dog hair and spider webs that greeted me on the tops of the cupboards and everything up there. I had to enlist John to help as I couldn't reach even standing on the top step of the step stool. While he finished that job, I went around the house with a long handled duster sweeping ceilings and corners festooned with cobwebs. They were testament to the fact that John never drinks water when the thermos which he is supposed to empty every day was also festooned. And I guess to the fact that I am not a very attentive housewife.

Dana came back with lettuce and sausage and we headed into town check out the one surviving clothing store with a good selection of jeans, t-shirts and sweaters. It's always nice to have Dana help me make decisions . I bought a bright blue sweater and a crisp white cotton shirt, and tried and rejected some leather-like leggings that felt more like wearing a wetsuit than making a fashion statement.

After our clothing purchases, we moved on the the Urban Garden which was all stocked and decked out for the C holidays. I got some solar lights for the hill and a little plant called 'pepperomia' in a basket to accompany the angel who wasn't banished from the credenza in the living room, only moved over to make way for the new pottery pieces.

Inspired yesterday by Leigh and the shelves she displayed some of her small pots on,  I came home and ordered some small cubbyhole/shelves  for my collection of glass birds.  I've never thought they showed to best advantage on top of the low bookcase in our bedroom. Much to my amazement, they arrived today, but will require some assembly.  But that will be a job for tomorrow because now it is wine o'clock....

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