
By amandoAlentejo

Chestnuts and New Wine

St Martin's Day is actually on the 11th, but they were still celebrating at the Adega today, with Sr Manoel and his son roasting chestnuts to go with the tastings of new wine - in Mike's hands. Better, and stronger, than the old. 
As they say in Portugal, 

É dia de São Martinho. 
Comem-se castanhas; 
prova-se o vinho! 
(“It is St. Martin’s Day. Chestnuts are eaten; wine is tasted!”)

More on my WhatsApp status, though only for the next few hours.

- perfect weather
- peace and warmth and food and health, yes...

but finding it hard not to feel constantly sad about Ukraine and Sudan, and especially Palestine, the first televised massacre in history, as I heard a Brazilian put it today, and why doesn't God stop it??

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