The Gift

Arthur looked at the calendar this morning and noticed something, "Ah! Today is Chi-Chi no Hi," he said in his mixed-language way of speaking. "That's Daddy's Day. I know what Daddy's Day is. Mummy's Day is when the children do nice things for Mummy. Daddy's Day is when children do nice things for Daddy. Children's Day is when Mummy and Daddy buy lots of sweets and presents for the children." Hmm, seems a little off-kilter somewhere but, what the hey, we had a lovely afternoon at the pool, enjoying the glorious sunshine, and Arthur "swam" (or, perhaps more accurately, "traversed") two lengths of the pool for me.

What greater gift can a Daddy ask for than a smile like this on Daddy's Day?

Save Your Kisses For Me - Brotherhood of Man

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