Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Street Photography

Whist driving Mrs BB car home last night the coolant light came on and the engine was just about to overheat as we arrived home. The mobile mechanic was already booked to service the car today, and change the cam-belt, and he was shocked that the water pump had come away and was just about to snap the belt and possibly damage the engine! It was last done four years ago so well mainatained! We were lucky!

As Mrs BB wanted to go swimming I had to take her into Ross on Wye (Herefordshire UK) and had an hour before collecting, so I decided on some street photography. I've recently discovered Olga Karlovac who does slow shutter high contrast grainy black and white street photography so I've took a few in her style, one of which is above.

We later collected granddaughter Amelia from school for her overnight stay with us. She's happy watching her programmes and colouring.

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