Windy Biscuits...

"Windy Biscuits! Aaaarrrrrrggghhhhh!!!!!"

I have not got a clue where this phrase came from. I remember exactly where it was first uttered but it just jumped upon us and hasn't left us since.

We (Bethany, Ewan and I) were walking up the wee alleyway that connects our street with the main street on the way the Co-Op and the wind was blowing down it. I just shouted "Windy Biscuits" and screamed and I can't remember the reasoning behind it.

Now anytime I say windy biscuits near Bethany or Ewan, they emit an elongated scream to illustrate the phrase. I totally forgot about it last night whilst playing out the back garden and just casually mentioned that it was a bit windy. Ewan presented me with a reminder of what I'd just said.

Note to self. Remember to stick that in the BethaBlip and BlipaEwan next time they each come around.

Incidentally, the building in the background here is going to be Bethany's nursery and primary school from August.

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