simple moments

By simplemoments

have gratitude…

…or give


in life

doing so will help - you to have a positive - outlook on life - or so i’ve been told - has anyone expressed - that to you - if you were - only more grateful - things would be easier - or perhaps more - blessings would come - your way - if only, right? - giving thanks isn’t really - complicated per se - but it really isn’t - easy either is it - it’s more of a discipline - a posture of our hearts - for me as a christ follower - it’s a turning toward abba - and all the good he - has done for me - and continues to do for me - because he is just that kind

i found this quote - that resonated with me - on the subject of gratitude

‘in normal life one is often not at all aware that we always receive infinitely more than we give and that gratitude is what enriches life.’ - dietrich bonhoeffer

as we enter into - the holiday season - think on how you might - not only express gratitude - but might share - resources with others - to spread gratitude to a - world in need of seeing…


happy day…..

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