
By Topsyturvy

Industrial Orkney

A view of Flotta Oil Terminal - if you can see it. When it was constructed in the 1970s it was deliberately kept low profile so as not to intrude on the landscape, a factor that seems to have gone by the wayside these days with wind turbines and their concomitant powerlines.

Enough of that! In other news, I spotted a seal pup on the shore below with its mum keeping close guard in the shallows. Lovely to see the little thing and that it survived the big gales (such a hazard for them) but I scooted off promptly so as not to spook the mother. 

I have a guest coming at the end of the week which has prompted all sorts of unnatural cleaning behaviour.  It needs doing; the low light (when it makes an appearance) displays my lack of enthusiasm for the task. 

The sun is getting lower (3:25pm now) so Berry's afternoon sniff is getting progressively earlier which suits her fine. A treat to be out today in the nicer weather. It also helps to keep the limbs moving after yesterday's fairly challenging yoga class.  I do prefer it to pilates but this class are way ahead of me; three legged dog and some impossible balancing poses were things to aspire to!

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