
By LadyFindhorn


The thought of a birthday freebie from Costa Coffee at Bruntsfield teased me out on a morning which was damp and dreich as I tramped over Meadows but became one with the rain stotting off the pavements and the gutters gushing rivers as I returned.
Back home and trying to dry off, I retreated to what was once the man cave but is now the Dower House warm room. There I stayed until lunch time when I surfaced for food and found the rain had stopped.

I was tempted to continue my hibernation but with a library book due back, I ventured forth again through the slightly less visitor crowded streets and dallied on the way back in Greyfriar’s Kirkyard which is always good for a blip if there are no follow- my- leader tourist trains blocking the paths.

It 4pm now and dark already. How the nights are drawing in. Time to draw the blinds and ‘coorie doon’.

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