
By craftylady

Wild Wednesday - Windy day

Inside looking out it looked a lovely day , mainly white clouds in the blue sky.. However there were some black clouds heading our way. Luckily the rain held off, but the wind became very strong.  The trees in the garden started to blow around, you could see the leaves falling off the trees as you watched.  I have tried to give a sense of what was happening in this collage.

Top Left,  The leaves as they had fallen under the apple tree.In a calm moment)
Top Right - The Magnolia tree once the wind had become stronger.
The Bottom Two shots show them during the strongest gusts. I must admit for these two shots I used a bit of ICM (intentional Camera Movement) to give a sense of the strength of the wind.  
Didn't need to use much, the wind did most of the job for me.  I must say I am glad I was inside looking out and not outside. 

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