Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas

Coffee n Bun Time


Words! We write them, speak them, read them, and listen to them. The written word comes in many different forms, a letter, a book, a newspaper etc. etc.. And equally each category can be split into many different sub-categories. For example, a book can be an academic tome, a novel, a book of poems etc. etc.. Our engagement with words is as old as language itself. I know, there are those who would argue with me on that point. But, to those I would ask the question, what is language if it is not words? It is obvious to me that without words there would be no language. But hang on, I hear you say, what about sign language? Simple, the signs of sign language are just visual representations of words. Therefore, without words to be visually represented how can you have sign language? There can be no escape from the fact that words are part and parcel of our very existence. Now, I am not saying that we couldn’t communicate without words, I am certain that wordless means of communication exist. But, words make the communication of ideas, along with a raft of other things, so much easier. Without words the human race would not be what it is today. Now, whether or not that is a good thing is another kettle of fish — and not one that I am considering here and now. So, at the end of the day, words are funny, valuable things. They should be valued for what they are, and what they can do for us. They should also be used very carefully, because they are a very powerful tool with the capacity to have disastrous consequences.

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