Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Today’s job

I have been putting this job off for quite a while, but decided that as the sap has stopped rising and it was a sunny day, I would set about drastically pruning the eucalyptus tree. It seems to put on two or three metres each year. It would soon get too big for the courtyard. I tend to just cut off the new growth and restrict the height, but the next year there will be many more new pollarded branches. Next door, they cut down the large fig tree to just the main trunk and some side branches with no leaves at all. Within months, it has grown a new canopy and looks attractive. I wonder what would happen if I did the same to the eucalyptus. They do have the reputation of being trees you cannot kill! It was a big job, but after a rest, I still decided to go to the Friday practice on the courts. There were only three of us but we had a good session for a couple of hours. Tonight I will have a good rest.

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