King Alfred’s Cakes (Daldinia concentrica)

This fungus is saprophytic, meaning it feeds on decaying material. It has been used as tinder for firelighting since pre-historic times, and once lit, it can smoulder for a long time so possibly enabled early man to transport fire from one place to another.

The common name comes from a delightful tale: King Alfred, when taking refuge from the Vikings in a peasant’s home in 878 AD, was asked by his host to watch some breads baking on the fire. He forgot and they were burnt. His peasant host, not knowing he was the King, scolded him.

These specimens were spotted on a lovely sunny walk up onto Goldings and the open land behind. 4km felt ok at the time but my left hip complained a lot later. Never mind, it’ll soon be gone so any further damage no longer matters.

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