Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

When the wind blows...

Catie and I were planning to spend today on the river but a combination of a largely sleepless night and yet more rain (despite the forecast) has led to postponement. So its been a quiet day of reading and watching old episodes of Family Guy courtesy of the box set Catie gave me for Father's Day. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday. The Thames would have been even better but it'll still be there another day.

I went out to do some minimal supermarket shopping and had been back home for some time when I chanced to discover the unusually ventilated nature of my jeans. My left buttock being insensate as a result of neurological deficiency I hadn't noticed the breeze that must have been whistling round my nether regions....oh well it probably brightened the shopping experience of my fellow customers.

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