
By Memories4Me

Pretty Little Girl

I can always rely on Louisa May to pose nicely if I am need of a daily photograph.  Just look at those magnificent whiskers!  People laugh at her last name but there is a story there.  (Isn't there always?)   Long ago I was talking to my grandpa and he was telling me about his early life growing up in a village called "Crum Elbow" in the Hudson River Valley of New York.  (Crum was a river's name and elbow refers to a bend in the river.) It made me laugh since I thought he meant "crumb".  Well, he said, if you think that's funny, there is a family member whose last name was Tinklepaugh!  (A German name from the Palatine region.)  What a great name for a cat! (I thought it was spelled Tinklepaw.)  So, that's the story for today.  Gift#320: family stories and Louisa May.

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