
By SpotsOfTime

Durham Lumiere

I didn’t expect to visit Durham today but saw that the Lumiere was on and I’ve been immersed in ‘Cuddy’ and so felt drawn to make my first ever visit. I can’t believe I’ve lived so near for so long without having been.
I emerged from Evensong just as it was getting dark and the cathedral was illuminated by a repeating geometric pattern folding and unfolding … I felt as if I was seeing Ediva’s vision.

Inside the Pulse Topology rippled through the Nave to the collective heartbeats of visitors; the cloisters echoed time present with time past and time future with parallel lit time-tunnel cloisters; and Prebends Bridge carried sacred song, shafts of light and mist across and on a journey down the river Wear.

‘Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality.
Time past and time future
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.’

… from Burnt Norton, T.S.Eliot

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