In Panshanger Park

So I went for a walk with these three in Panshanger Park and yes I’ve paid for it this evening but it was very enjoyable at the time. I love the banter between Lauren and Tony; they have a great relationship.

This afternoon, while Peter was playing in a concert and Lauren had departed with Reggie, Tony and I did some more clearing. We did part of the garage this time, which meant more cellar spiders were disturbed poor things. We can now see through the previously cobwebby windows and the shelving is clean and clear of old paint pots, plant pots and other things we’d collected too many of.

This evening a veritable feast. We almost always have a roast but tonight’s roast belly pork was extra good with proper crackling and an amazing gravy. Then there was a fresh chestnut & plum frangipane tart, made with sweet chestnuts from Panshanger Park. With all the rain the chestnuts have been very big this Autumn. We finished it off with a small shot of homemade crème de cassis, bottled this evening; our own garden blackcurrants having soaked in brandy for a couple of months. The boosey remaining fruit was frozen and will be made into a potent crumble another Sunday. There’s something extremely satisfying about foraging or growing your own.

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