horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Book 41 of the Year

I'd fallen out of the habit of reading. Last year I think I read about 4 books, max, when in the past I'd devoured them. This year I've stopped disappearing into Netflix or YouTube late at night when Mel has gone to bed, I've stopped just flicking through my phone on the train commute, I've switched off my mind reading for half an hour after getting into bed.... And rekindled the love of reading, which means my aim of 52 books in the year is only a couple behind target.

Yeah, some have been short, some have been classics (some, like Albert Camus' The Outsider have been both), but it feels like so much better a use of my time (especially when I'm also trying to get back to writing again, getting some of these ideas finally outside of my head, because it puts you into the right mindset).

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