
By KathyH58

Nov 20

No one has reported seeing the western tanager during the past few days, but now there is a summer tanager hanging out in the same area. I walked along the trail this morning, no tanager, but I did see the cardinal, and he came out for a few photos too.
I went back this afternoon and there were a couple of other birders there looking for the tanager. Then my phone rang, I sat in my truck while I was on the phone. During that time the tanager came out and at least one of the other ones there was able to get a photo. That contractor is going to have to give me some gardening work next year instead of calling me for advice all the time. I may not forgive him for making me miss seeing a rare bird.
Other than that, it was a quiet day. I finished my second jigsaw puzzle of the season.
Tuesday I have to go to Truro to pick up some greenery to use for some Christmas planters. Friday I have a meeting about my merchandising job with the company I started working for last winter. I haven't heard from the company that I have been with for 10 years.

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