Busy Busy Bee

By Leasil

Take a punt at guessing where I am...

At a meeting earlier this week, several of us realised that we are remiss for not routinely visiting the staff who work nights or weekends. In a fit of enthusiasm and teaminess I volunteered to go to the Cambridge operations today. I am really glad I did. I learned loads and met some great people.

I had a hurried bowl of linguini before hitting the road. It was 11 ish by the time I got to the bridge and so the roadworks had begun. After a brief stationary period I crawled along at glacial pace over the QE2 crossing. I got to my street to discover an unmanned police blockage. At this point....SERIOUSLY?? really, really need my bed. I felt quite churlish when I found out that it was there to force traffic down a different road so the police could quiz all motorists about the arson attack at the boarding school last week. I stopped moaning, did what I needed to do and went to my bed.

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