Happy Fathers Day

The children showered MrRoly with gifts of love stupidly early. Then Lily talked at me until I got out of bed to make MrRoly breakfast in bed.

I tried pointing out that he isn't my father but to no avail. Then I cooked breakfast for the rest of us. Which took it out of me so I returned to bed and stated there until gone midday!

We spent the afternoon booking our summer holiday which was very exciting and much better than ironing/cleaning out chickens. Then we took the children to Prezzo because we are both too lazy to cook MrRoly is such a wonderful father to those small wiggy creatures that surround him.

The highlight of today HAS to be The White Queen - I enjoyed the books tremendously and was not disappointed by episode 1. Hurrah!

Why oh why has it gone sideways again?! I'm getting really rather fed up with this happening. Does the iPhone app do this to anyone else or am I just special?

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