
This is the hawthorn that we planted last year - so very delicate

We had a huge scare today. All doggie owners probably go through this. We took Milo for a walk in a wood. We never let him off his lead but the ladies that walk him every day, while we are at work do and they always say how well behaved he is.

So we let him off the lead and he vanished.

We stood and we called loudly. We spoke to anyone that passed and asked them to look out for him.

I sent Mr F back to the car just in case.

And I stood and I sobbed. Life without Milo was unthinkable.

It seemed ages before Mr F called to say that he was there.

I then sobbed in relief.

He has been hugged a lot since.

Go large to see the water

Smile factor: Finding Milo of course. I've mixed up some gluten free flour and made apple and sultana muffins and remade the banana loaf recipe from last week. The men have tried the muffins and have said that they are very good

Exercise: Shaking 1kq of flour in a kilner jar to blend the three different flours together

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