
By KathyH58

Nov 22

This was the sky this morning about an hour after sunrise at Rainbow Haven Beach. As soon as I looked out the window this morning when I got up, I should have gotten dressed and headed out for sunrise photos. Talk about 'Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning'. The sky was red this morning.  It is raining heavily now at 9 pm and it has been raining since 5 pm.

I enjoyed the ceramic painting today. There was 3 of us that showed up, 2 others cancelled at the last minute. I much prefer a group of 3 or 4, it gives you a chance to talk and get to know each other. I didn't finish painting the piece I chose, so I will go back one day next week to finish it. I think I will go to more events with this group since it is women only.
I messaged the organizer of the other group tonight and told her that I will not be taking part in the Christmas gift exchange and that I am giving some serious thought to leaving the group. I told her that I don't like being told that I have to attend at least one event a month, and that they do not allow any more new people to join the group. I shall wait and see what she says.

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