La vida de Annie

By Annie


Since our sunny wedding day on Monday (I have to keep mentioning it in order to believe it!), the weather has deteriorated enormously, with icy gales and a fair bit of rain. Not having central heating, as is normal here, it has become pretty chilly in the house, so it was decided to unearth the calor gas heater from the depths of the bike shed. The so-called bike shed contains all manner of impedimenta but no actual bikes, which he-who-cycles has deemed too important (and expensive) to be kept there. The house contains all his passions: mountain bike, road bike, zwift bike, computers, games consoles and too many large TVs. And me if course, in a little corner with the dogs and baby tortoises.
Naturally the heater wouldn’t work and couldn’t be fixed, so we took a trip into town for a replacement. Searching for one in Pallissers we came across this bad boy. Here’s my Husband (!) admiring the machinery. What is it I asked. I don’t know but just look at those wheels was the reply.
We got a heater - much more boring to look at but at least it works.

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