Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

The day Obama came to Belfast...

First off, I can't take credit for taking taking this pic, my friend Laura took it.

This morning, Laura and I were lucky enough to be invited to hear a wonderful speech from President Obama. We had an early start as we had to at the Waterfront Hall for 7am. After about half an hour of queuing, we got inside, Laura was lucky enough to be seated in the second row of the auditorium, where she got some amazing shots, this one included. I unfortunately didn't get seated in the auditorium, but one of the studios, so only got to see him speak on the big screen. Regardless, I was in the so building as the President! It was an amazing experience! He spoke beautifully about the future of Northern Ireland, stressing how us young people are the key to a peaceful future. Michelle also gave a wonderfully inspiring speech. I'm still awestruck at having had the opportunity and privilege to have been there.

Sadly now I'm home and back to reality, it's off to work I go.


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