
By BowenFoto

The Library

You may recognize the library building from establishing shots in the Netflix series, “Virgin River”, which is filmed on Bowen and in and around Squamish, just up the road on the mainland.

After Mrs S and the kids left for town, I went out to the library. I saw some friends outside and joined in conversation. Keith was ready to mock me for my choices but on seeing I had William Gibson’s excellent Alien 3 graphic novel, the wind was out of his sails. In fact, he followed me into the library just afterwards to borrow it, as I had just returned it!

I took the dogs to the park again. I sat in the sun and read my new book. It was self-published and signed by the author “To Bernice”, who I know to be a poet living on the Island. Maybe she was a Beta reader? I’ll ask her at the congregational dinner next weekend. I sat in the sun and read and corresponded with a friend in the UK over WhatsApp, while the dogs had an amazing time just being dogs in a meadow full of mice.

A little bummed today; we got an otherwise great review for our Airbnb but there was a complaint about noise transfer in the review. I don’t blame them - H slammed the door quite heavily yesterday morning when he left at 0700. It woke me up as well. I have impressed on him in particular the need to have more care and be more sensitive to others. It’s hard to restrain a 13 year old boy.

Gym tonight, reading Attenborough’s “A Life on Our Planet” while biking.

Cancìon del dìa/ I want to hold your hand by Sara Gordon.- great cover that transforms the Beatles classic.

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