
By tridral

Yn nyfnderoedd y templed tyllog

Yn nyfnderoedd y templed tyllog ~ In the depths of the holey template

“A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians.”
― Frank Zappa

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Gwaith y dydd oedd rhoi mat rwber ar lawr y toiled yn y fflat. Gwaith glamoraidd. Gwnes i ddefnyddio'r hen fat ond roedd rhaid i mi greu templed cyn torri'r mat oherwydd roedd y toiled newydd siâp gwahanol.

Fel gweithiwr nodweddiadol, roeddwn i'n gwrando ar gerddoriaeth. Heddiw roedd e'n Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog 'Yn Fyw! Galeri Caernarfon'. Albwm da iawn.

Wel, mae'r gwaith yn cael ei wneud ac rydyn ni'n cael rhai o inswleiddio yn erbyn y llawr oer.

Rydw i'n trio gwneud tipyn bach o waith fel hwn y rhan fwyaf o ddyddiau. Mae'n ymddangos bod yr unig ffordd i aros ar ben y cyfan.

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The job of the day was to put a rubber mat on the toilet floor in the flat. Glamorous work. I used the old mat but had to create a template before cutting the mat because the new toilet was a different shape.

As a typical workman I was listening to music. Today it was Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog 'Yn Fyw! Galeri Caernarfon' a very good album

Well, the job is done and we get some insulation against the cold floor.

I try to do a bit of work like this most days. It seems the only way to stay on top of it all.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Templed cardbord a matiau rwber
Description (English): Cardboard template and rubber matting

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