Beautiful girl

3years 239days

I snapped this quickly on the way to nursery this morning. She danced on the still dewy lawn in her barefeet, before climbing up into the wrap for tummy cuddles. And she snuggled right right in.

I picked her up early today from nursery, as is going to be routine on Monday's now. I've FINALLY cracked the new swimming class situation and found a better time, a good teacher and as a bonus, a smaller group. She had one on one teaching for some of the session in fact! Today was a fantastic swim on her part. I bought her goggles which she wore for the first time and it made a massive difference in her front crawl especially. The teacher is mum of one of her best friends from nursery, so she got straight on and had a brilliant lesson.

After swimming we went for afternoon tea in costa followed by an ice cream. We cycled home and did some garden jobs, played with the bunnies and took a bit of time just chilling on the sofa together. I think I'm going to like our Monday afternoons!

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