
By spannarama

Beam me up

Happy to hear the sound of my Mum's wheelchair when her carer emerged from her room this morning - indicating that she'd opted to get up.  She was looking a bit peaky, but was good to see her up and about again.  I rushed around packing, changing the bed, having meetings, etc, and left her late morning to drive home, with my brother on the way to take over.  Spoke to him on the way home, too - had a good little catch up.

Felt bad leaving my Mum, but really needed to get home for my own health (so exhausted), and for work.  Ended up going a bit of a weird route, via Barnstaple, so didn't get to see the sea until the last moment, but then, what a view!  So joyful coming back into Ilfracombe, with the coast of Wales lit up by strong sunlight across the Bristol Channel.

Glanced out of the window while Tim and I were eating dinner (a delicious curry he cooked) and saw these weird rectangles of pulsing light.  Neither of us could work out what on earth they were, until I went and got my camera and long lens - and saw that it was the solar panels on the houses opposite, lit up by the incredibly bright moon (and diminishing a bit as clouds drifted over it, then glowing super brightly again).  So odd!  Quite impressed with my camera capturing it handheld (with the ISO cranked right up).

Lovely relaxed evening with the final of Taskmaster, and another Planet Earth III.

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