
By Livresse

Loch Morlich

I really had a lovely day and a glut of photos to choose from (extras). The weather was much better than forecast, so I extended Django's morning walk and did the two-hour (ish) circuit round the lake. The water was still with beautiful reflections of the Cairngorm mountains. I saw a kayak and briefly wished I had brought mine, but I don't have the winter gear and my shoulder is still not right, so it wouldn't have been wise, so managed to let go of that regret quickly. When I got back, I saw some women getting ready to go swimming, including one from the bar who recognised me and Django. They invited me to join them, so I quickly went to get my stuff, put my swimming costume on and jumped in the lake with them. It was cold, obviously, but I surprised myself by staying longer than I thought I would. Afterwards, we all went to the bar to warm up with a hot drink, a spot of lunch and a good chat! 
I wrote in the afternoon and went back to the ar for a pint and a plate of nachos in the evening. 

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