The Way I See Things



It was so cold when we took the Boy Wonder to the park this afternoon that we spent most of our time there sitting in a steamy café, and when we did eventually get to the swings B tolerated the temperature for maybe two minutes, before asking to be put back under his pram covers and taken home.

Nonetheless we had a good day, give or take the odd little confrontation. During the morning I encouraged B to do some floor exercises with me in the playroom in the hope that he'd work off some energy, and this quickly turned into a riotous exercise class run by the Boy himself: "No, not like that Grandma. Do it like this - you put your leg over there, and then you roll, like this, and then you roll back, and then you stretch there, and bend like this. No - not dancing. STOP DANCING! I need you to get back on the floor and do more rolling..." and so on. R said he wished he was still as flexible as B, but probably wished he'd kept quiet when he promptly found himself joining us down on the floor, doing sit-ups under instruction from the Tiny Tyrant.

Unexpected Boyism of the week, on being congratulated for completing a tricky bit of jigsaw puzzle: "Yay me." This was said in such a casual conversational tone that it almost sounded as if he was being sardonic. Then when he and I had completed the puzzle, he said in an equally offhand tone, "We did it. Yay us." It makes you wonder where they pick up these odd little turns of phrase.

Before I go, I'd just like to thank everyone for the nice comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's owl. I'm dead chuffed that you liked it.

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