Life at 88mph

By neet

See you around...

I'm officially done with daily blipping. I thought that a challenge this month might have kicked me back into action but with work being so busy and not letting up anytime soon I just can't keep it up. More importantly I don't think it's fair to the people that look in on my journal that I have been uploading so many rubbish iPhone shots (they need to go on Instagram really).

I did consider stopping completely, but blip has become such a part of my life that I'm not ready to give it up completely. I have therefore decided only to blip when inspired to do so. I will still try and look in on your amazing and inspirational journals when I can, but I just may not be around very much. I will try and post at least once a week though.

So, see you around blippers! Keep up the fantastic work.

(Oh, by the way, Little Miss lost her first tooth today. Not sure how flush the tooth fairy is feeling though.....what is the going rate these days anyway?)

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