
By Ridgeback13

Winter wonderland

Dropped the box of silver cutlery I don’t want to keep off with VW for her to rake through before we do the charity shop drop, then drove to A’s for the weekend. Absolutely beautiful drive through an increasingly snowy landscape. Bright sunshine and blue skies against the snowy trees and fields made for a perfect scene..nearly stopped to take photos to use as Christmas cards!
Once I arrived we had some mince pies and coffee then started to sort through things from P’s house, putting old tools in the shed, putting crystal away and debating over ornaments and other silver.
Paisley was ‘helping’ by getting her nose in all the bags, in between dashing round the garden enjoying the snow. A had brought her Christmas decorations down from the loft and so we decided to dress
Paisley up as Santas little helper…not sure she was impressed!
We decided to go to Duns to get some things we need and whilst there had some lovely soup and half a sandwich in a little cafe …delicious! Not a lot to look round in Duns but we got what we needed and came home to sand and re-oil the dining table top that had got damaged by a water spill. A reluctant to start but soon got stuck in and we did a lot…perhaps needs one more going over tomorrow before we put the oil on. We didn’t tackle her worktop that also needs re-oiled though…she says N will do during the week.
We had a bit of chill time on the sofa as it got dark, then I made https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/uk/food/recipes/a25933799/vegan-vegetable-pie/ this for supper as a dry run for a potential Christmas dish for vegetarians. Looked beautiful, but need some further kick of flavour…maybe some chilli or perhaps even a layer of cranberry sauce, perhaps even instead of the beetroot which looked great but made the whole thing taste very earthy…. Something to work on!
Lazy evening chatting about Christmas plans and furniture decisions before bed.

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