Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Munich day 2

I got up early and had a solo swim, then met everyone for a coffee before heading out in the snow. It was stunning and it didn’t seem to deter anyone. We stopped en route and had a look at St Michaels church where King Ludwig ll is buried in the crypt along with other nobles including children. I always find it quite hard when there are children’s coffins.

Then a mooch around the markets followed by a visit to Munchner Stadmuseum.  The first 2 floors were very Munich related, but the third floor  was very interesting. Full of puppetry items, some cute, some weird, some very avant-garde, and also modern music culture. I was particularly taken by a film made in 1917 about 3 Martians who arrive in Munich. The street scenes behind the actors were really interesting. 

We dinner in Hofbaruhaus, a beer hall dating back to the 16th century, great atmosphere and beer, not the best place for food.

Then a last mooch around the markets as we headed back to the hotel. What a packed day. This picture was taken in reply to me taking theirs. 

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