The second half of life..

By twigs


An indoorsy day with one or two short trips outside.  A bit grey and occasionally damp so it was nice to spend it inside with a much happier Minnie :)  She's doing very well now, though I have noticed she's still a little reticent about me touching one of her paw pads.  Hopefully Dr Chris will be able to throw some light on it when we go and see him.  One thing I wasn't too pleased about though........Minnie bringing me a bird (or rather, bits of a bird) as a thank-you-for-letting-me-go-outside gift.  We had words......

I have plenty of this stuff around my approach to gardening is if it plants itself and grows it must like its location, to let it be.  Notable exceptions to rule - weeds!  Some may say this is a's certainly prolific.  I have other 'weeds' in my garden which I allow to express themselves.  I thought today that this autumn may be time for a little rationalisation of a few of the self seeds though.  Hmmmm...

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