Saturday on the street

Corin happened to mention that a huge Lincoln limosine had pulled into the street so I got the camera to take some snaps. It then transpired that one of our neighbours was getting married.

After the car went, I hung around as the first car had taken part one of the bridal party (ushers, page boys). Hanging around in the cold paid off, as I managed to get a handful of really nice relxed portraits of the bride and her father as they were leaving the house.

The bride had been told by her mum that there was "a professional photographer" taking photos outside. To which I laughed and said "no - its only me". Bless her though - she let me take a few shots and we had a lovely chat. And I am really pleased that I have got 4 portraits that I can give to her as a present - just from an impromptu bliparazzi moment on the street.

Off to Aunty and Uncle's house now for something to eat.

And progress on our wedding arrangements - my brother has agreed to do a reading for us during our service, which has made my day :-)

Slight accident whilst putting the new mats in my car - carpet needed cutting to insert the retaining clips to hold them in place - no damage to the car - don't panic - just managed to give myself a really deep slice on my index finger - my god did it bleed!

Apologies for any disturbance that my blip from yesterday might have caused :-)

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