
By Undercovercairo

Oxford Circus

I decided to enjoy Christmas in London this afternoon. A bit challenging given the crowds which are nothing like I remember.. first stop Liberty to buy a decoration for my sister, then I walked the backstreets to Marylebone High Street. Very pretty and not so busy, except for the independent bookshop - a good find. The restaurants were busy.. I walked to Ottolenghi but the person 1 minute before me got the last seat. I headed towards Warren Street to a place I’d been once before. They fitted me in easily - it was only 6pm and a nice dinner was had. And a rest for my bruised knee. I didn’t stay long. I headed home - so cold! -1C by the time I got home with a max of 2C for the day. A nice afternoon out. And a distraction from distressing world events.

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