bridget riley's eyesight

By gail

Oh dear

Just as we were getting in the car to take yet another load of tat to the tip, the front door flew open and Eldest Son ran out with blood pouring down his face and shouting Stop! Stop!

Whilst trying to calm Youngest Son who was horrified (it did look pretty gruesome) we managed to extract from Eldest Son that he had jumped up as he jogged through his bedroom door and the top of his head and the doorframe had met with extreme force.

3 hours, a visit to A&E, some Codeine and a lot of superglue later it was fixed.

Until he hit his head on the car door when we got out of the car at home that is....

At the hospital we discovered that he hasn't been there since a fake choking incident when he was 3 years old. Not bad going in 17 years!

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