Northern Exposure

By Northern


Headed up to town this morning. Discovered that the power went out in Burray shortly after I left. So good move to be in town all day.

Met up with a friend for coffee, did some Xmas shopping, met another friend for lunch and then went to a matinee at the pictures of ‘I know where I’m going’ - excellent movie.

Headed for the library to meet Steven and head home. Discovered that power had come back in at 16.00, and the barriers were closed at 16.10!

So we went for something to eat then bided our time wandering the outer limits of tesco pondering what some of the stuff for sale was. Now 20.59 and patiently waiting at the 1st barrier to see if they will be opened. As we watch the lights of the coast guard and police go carefully across to test the conditions ot looking hopeful at the moment…..

UPDATE - barriers reopened just before 10pm, now home safe.

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