wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Crashed out

I've been working with primary kids all day today, so planned a nice evening off with a fresh easy-watching LoveFilm* arrival (Pitch Perfect) but seem to have got stuck with the chocolate, tea and ... 27 Dresses on tv. Hey, it was a brain draining day and I do have a repeat tomorrow.

Had a successful meeting with my supervisor today, he's very happy with the progress I'm making on my dissertation. And I've been in some encouraging email communication with someone about what to do once I finish the MA in September. So it's all been a great day.

Now I'm sitting on the sofa, here's the view out the window through a candle holder. I wanted to take some photos today, but couldn't because it wouldn't have been protective of the children I was working with. So here's today's scrounging offering.

*online and postal DVD people, I have a couple of months free and am making the most of it.

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