
By DJsDailyDose

Happy birthday to my son

Today is my son’s 14th birthday. I’ve had one of the toughest weeks in a long time. This has included my husband getting made redundant, getting a prosecution notice for speeding last weekend (apparently there was temporary speed restrictions on the motorway although I don’t remember seeing it at 6.30am on Sunday morning). My son heard of a friends death, which comes after another friend passing away only 6 months ago and today I got charged for a hotel booked I forgot to cancel.

My head has been a little all over the place as work has been so difficult with system problems for the last two weeks!

But… today was about my son. My mum popped to see him and then he went flat pigeon shooting with my husband. This afternoon he wanted to clear out his room ready to be decorated and I baked him a cake. The least I could do! And tonight we will have a takeaway (his choice) and no doubt watch a movie. A Saturday tradition since Covid lockdown days…

Things can only get better right?

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