Burradoo Journal

By Burradoo

Current reading

My current reading is two books I intended to read in preparation for our recent trip, but I ran out of time.
Cider with Rosie is Laurie Lee’s autobiographical account of growing up in a remote Gloucestershire village. We stayed near the Slad valley where the novel is set. I love this book. Lee is a lyrical writer and, while the novel is set in the time of the Great War, he captures something of the feel of more recent village life and culture as well.
We revisited the Bronte museum in Haworth while we were in Yorkshire. I know many regard Emily as the greatest of the Bronte sisters, and Wuthering Heights as her greatest work. I have never liked it much and I am rereading it to see if I can find out what I have missed. According to the inscription in this copy, I last read it in Amsterdam and Singapore in 1997!

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