Heading home . . .

Thick fog this morning meant there was no mail plane, so with very little post to deliver, Mike was finished early and therefore we could get Aida craned into the water this afternoon and he sailed her home into the bay at 9pm this evening! Isn't it super when everything works out so well?

It was a wonderful day. We had a visit from more blippers, Beachcomber and Apothecary and we got on incredibly well and had a lovely day together, walking the cliffs, chatting and taking photos of old boats! Once again I have to thank Joe for starting this blip thing! You do get to know some really nice folk whom you would otherwise never have met!

The little ducks in the foreground are shelduck chicks. Like eiders, they form creches of their babies. There are about 20 chicks in this group, with two or three adult birds, males and females look the same so don't know if they are mums or dads!

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