
By LifeinLoans

Pretty pansies

We've commented before on some of our talented, green-fingered residents. Quite a few extend their gardens into pots and hanging baskets, like these ones which you'll see if you walk along the village's Main Street.

Meanwhile, a brief update on LifeinLoans blips: we're pretty pleased at the number of you who have been looking in. To date, we've recorded over 3000 views - an average of 80 for each blip we've posted. Our intention in starting this photo journal was to provide something of daily interest, particularly for those of you who live in our community (although anyone else is welcome to look in as well). So far, most of the contributions have been provided by the LifeinLoans team (i.e. one or two of us) and it's getting harder to keep it fresh. Our ultimate aim was (and still is) to make it a shared experience. We really, (i.e. genuinely) want as many people as possible to contribute photos that represent 'life in Loans'. It's really simple - you just need to take a photo of something and send it to us. And you can decide if you want to remain anonymous or be credited as the photographer. You'll see that we've left a few gaps over the past week or so, which could be filled by anyone who took a photo on any of those days. We'll put a fuller explanation on our website and facebook page to help explain what's involved. The more people we have contributing every so often, the more interesting it will be for everyone. Why not give it a go?!

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