An Apple a Day...

By anappleaday

5.5 Months

BabyApple is 5.5 months old. It's hard to believe how fast it's all going by. She is just a wonder and a little delight (most of the time). She is full of expression and personality. She lets you know what she's feeling at any given moment. Poker face - not so much. Likes: Still likes fart noises, chewing on fingers and anything at all she can shove in her mouth, her firefly toy, riding in the backpack, welcoming her Daddy home from work, getting kissed on, zerberts, songs, especially The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Hates: naps, reading. Clothes: still in some 0-3s, 3 months, and a few 3-6 months depending on the size. New skill: working on sitting up since just last week, but only in a squishy place suitable for tumbling (like the bed!). I think she's pretty much perfect in every way.

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