Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I've been so tired today. I think it's all that's been going on with the computer and the oven and preparing for Christmas and work and the course I'm attending and...  So, I took a day off from almost everything. I have some chores that needs to be done and I need to wash my hair 
Tomorrow is the last day of the course. Then everything goes back to normal for a week and then a Christmas break.
Tomorrow will be a day of errands, since I need to go to my cousins flat and look it over, and also to a massage place to by some massage sessions with a wellness contribution we get from work. It's so luxurious! I can have 3 sessions with this special kind of massage, and work pays. I need to fix this before the end of December, but this massage place has the service that you can by first and use later. Perfect. :)

I did manage to finish the prompt for today which is 'magical creature'. I turned the Pegasus constellation upside down to have it fly upright on my tags. So, a bit of creative freedom, but this was the work of old magic that made Pegasus come alive. On this night, Lucia, it was believed back in the days, that creatures were out and about so better to stay safe and inside. :)

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