Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

"You are beautiful"

My lovely wife, here finding out that she's beautiful - because her new lululemon hoodie tells her so. ;-) As you can see, she remains a little sceptical.

Large here. I did mess about with the pic a little, blurring and darkening everything but her.

I had to find the mrs a new book to read the other night, as she didn't get grabbed by R.A. McAvoy's 'The Book of Kells'. With much trepidation, I offered her 'Dragonflight' by Anne McAffery. Why the trepidation? Because if she didn't like this book, one of a series that was such an enormous part of my youth, and which still hold a huge place in my mind, I would be utterly crushed. ;-)

Thankfully, she's liking it. 8)

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