
By Martigan

I'm NOT that shy.

       For years I/we hear of poor old folk dying of cold and I frequently wonder why?  Have they no clothes other than what they wear?
       Alice bought this strange device, called a Slanket©; in the event of me ever feeling a touch chilly now I just wear Al's Slanket "wrong way round" like a hooded Dressinggown. For those who've never met it, it's like a fairly large Blanket, with capacious Sleeves, whence cometh its odd name.  
       There's only a back view; NOT out of shyness so much as daftness.  I set the Camera for a 10 sec. delay, but forgot to reduce from 10 shots, despite knowing I'd not need the full 10 to turn front to back. - SO - in the deleting of unwanteds I accidentally rubbed out a wanted,  not seen, due to "busy", until a couple of days later.
I've, since, found the front of me - on a different SD card. 

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